Saturday, December 4, 2010

Grocery store find

Please tell me they're not selling elephant meat! JUMBO, NOOO!!!

Wrappin' for the pets

   I am having a bit of a hard time getting over jet lag and am still on Hawaii time (4 hours behind KC time.) Apparently the dogs have the same problem, because they were happy to sleep in today as well!
   Jo from the Humane Society emailed this morning because she needed some volunteers to fill a few remaining gift-wrapping shifts down on the Plaza. If HSGKC fills all the spots for two weeks, the Plaza is making a $7500 donation to the shelter! Happy to oblige, I shook off my jet lag and worked from 2-5:00 today.
   There were many shoppers out on the streets when I arrived, but apparently none of them were having their gifts wrapped... so I spent the first 2 hours and 15 minutes doing prep work for later shifts. I started by tying metallic ribbon to Christmas light bulbs; each package we wrap will get one on top. I'm told that these bulbs were formerly used for the Plaza lights! Here are the boxes of finished bulbs:
   During the last 45 minutes of my shift, I had three packages to wrap! The Plaza Customer Service supplies high-quality paper printed with a Moorish pattern to echo the decorations on the buildings, and a coordinating diecut gift tag, in 5 colors; thick, silky, white ribbon, and of course, the bulb. I was very careful to follow the instructions they supplied, to make the gifts look perfect. Here's my first one (note how the tape is conspicuously free of pet hair, unlike when I wrap at home):
   After my shift, I was in the holiday spirit and decided to shop a bit and enjoy the Plaza sights. People were everywhere, the lights were on, and a dozen horse-drawn carriages were about. It was SO COLD outside—especially after just returning from Maui—but I still managed to have fun. (And I bought a couple of cute winter dresses. Retail therapy is a great cure for vacation withdrawl.) Here are some photos from this year's lights, courtesy of The KC Star / Mike Ransdell:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sorry, but it's true

   It will be a few days before I get my photos online, but I can't wait!!!