Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Human Tarantula

   The green is going to look crazy with my bright orange harness (which better already be on its way to me--excited!!) Oh well. Aesthetics be damned, these feel about as good as climbing shoes can feel... In my limited experience.
   The model name of shoe is the tarantula. And my harness is made my Mammut (with the cute lil' wooly mammoth logo).
Mammoth + tarantula = 
I don't know what that animal would be, but I think I just crapped myself.
Those rocks won't know what hit 'em! 
   My mom will remember that as a child, I was frequently scolded for using my bare hands and feet to scale our home's hallway walls, or the kitchen doorway. "You'll put footprints all over the walls!" she'd say. Little did Mom know, someday I'd find a group of people in which this was a common skill.
   I'd like to try wall-walking in my own home, just to see if I can still do it, but I have this fear that I've become (slightly) bigger and don't want to deal with repairing any foot-shaped holes I may inadvertently punch in the drywall. Or, I'll admit it, I might put footprints up the wall. Okay, Mom, you were right!

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