Thursday, February 14, 2013


   There are some super-weird looking dogs out there. I think the diversity within the species is fascinating (even when the results look like a questionable science experiment—I'm lookin' at you, Xoloitzcuintli and Bedlington!). There are over 300 distinct breeds, making the dog the most diverse species on the planet.
   As for myself, I'm a little partial to the Shiba. They are one of 14 ancient breeds identified by their DNA as originating in Asia and having the fewest genetic differences from wolves. As far as I can tell, the result is a fine-looking animal who is generally stubborn and likely to cause trouble, exhibit selective hearing and believe they can and are outsmarting you at every moment. Basically, a semi-domesticated hooligan. But at least they let me live with them.
   There is a lot of study on canine genomes, which pinpoint specific breed traits and maladies—and which eventually may help us better understand human genomes. Some days I think I should have been a scientist... I love this stuff!

1 comment:

  1. I am fascinated by this stuff as well. I have always wanted a Basenji, myself. Though, since I've met you and see so much about your dogs, the Shiba is becoming something of a favorite, too!
