Saturday, November 7, 2009

uber-productive day!

Today has been my favorite kind of day: uber-productive. I got up at 6:30 (which is sleeping in!), played with the dogs, did laundry, watched Thursday's Project Runway (because I was out for sushi with Patty that night) and watched Wednesday's Top Chef (because I was out for Blanc with Kelly that night) while I read Thurs-Fri-Sat newspapers. Cleaned one of the bathrooms and then went to the gym. I spent 90 minutes there in an an abs class & a step aerobics class. Turns out I have NO hidden talent for choreography (to put it mildly), but it was a lot of fun anyway. I gave the instructor some good laughs, so that's something. Came home, showered, and dropped off a huge bag of glass for recycling, then went grocery-shopping at Target. Met a friend for lunch at Blue Moose, then picked up some stuff at the hardware store. I think the manager likes me...he gave me 20% off everything, though none of it fit in the brown paper bag which was the rule for the sale. Woohoo! Then back home to wash the Rav-4, bathe the dogs, wash the patio set, cover the patio set for the winter, fill the bird feeders, mow the back yard/mulch the leaves (didn't have to do the front because my awesome neighbor, Bob, has STILL been mowing the front for me—since July—and he took care of the leaves too!!!). Then I came in, cleaned the cat boxes, installed the new insulating cover over the attic fan, wrote this post, and am headed downstairs to grab some dinner. Then I'm thinking shower, and work on the Dog-n-Jog 2010 logo until I'm too tired to continue. If I can keep up this pace for a couple of weeks, I'll have a fighting chance of finishing the SIX plush I have to get done before Thanksgiving, in addition to the DNJ logo. Also planning to hang Xmas lights, since it'll be 70 degrees again! But after this weekend, I may need a vacation!!!

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