Saturday, December 5, 2009

Off to a rocky start

It's a simple equation: 3 shibas x wrestling = crash + shibas disappear
I was upstairs getting ready to go to the gym while the three dogs were happily playing downstairs. Then suddenly I heard a cacophony of crashing sounds. %#@*!!! Ran downstairs to have my fears confirmed: the dogs, in their enthusiasm, had toppled my prized Christmas tree. Grandmother's ornaments were scattered all over the floor. Only four were broken, which I might otherwise be able to brush off, except that my very favorite ornament was among the casualties: the giant pink globe with the glittery stars.
And just like that, the fun was over...
Guilty much, Wylie?
"We didn't do it!"

1 comment:

  1. Shoot! This is exactly why I keep my tree up on my mantle. I'll try to keep an eye out for more of the pink glass ornaments with stars when I'm out antiquing.
