Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hallmark's Centennial Celebration

Here are a few photos from our big party yesterday afternoon!
Sign over our commons area:
These Crown lamps have adorned the Crown Room
(our cafeteria) for like, a long time probably. Since at least 1960.
Don Hall Sr. preaches it!
Don Jr. expresses his appreciation:
Dave Hall takes the podium:
...and reveals a "cake" made by Hallmarkers from many divisions.
It's 100" tall; an inch per year. (I'm glad I'm slightly taller
than the "inch per year" rule.)
The view from the balcony:
The band (including our very own writer/cartoonist Bill Whitehead!)
Another view. Looks like a lot of people, huh? This was round TWO
of the party; each session had over 1,200 people!
We have about 3,700 at HQ.
The spoils of the celebration: Hallmark water, and Hallmark cupcakes!
Cathy, Danielle & Renee:
Cathy, me & Renee:
Now showing in our gallery:
Why hello there, Don & Dave!
Just an overview of the 250 crowns on display:
Through the gallery window:

I feel so blessed to have been a part of this great company for nearly 13 of its first 100 years. Here's to an exciting new century!

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