Friday, September 3, 2010

Chalk up another one.

   After work tonight I took the dogs to Heritage Park and let them run until they were ready to collapse, then had a nice dinner, and returned home to find that Atom had left me another "gift." That's two mice in two days, in case you're following along. It's as if he knows that annual performance review time is right around the corner and he wants to finish strong. (That's a total of 4 mice in just under 6 years.)
   Here are his current standings:
   I really, really hate finding dead animals anywhere near my house. But as cute as I think mice are, I don't want them living with me. So, good Attie! He's fulfilled his role as CEM (Chief Executive Mouser). Gypsy is my PSEPQ (Photogenic Social Expression Product Queen), having been featured on Hallmark cards, books and frames. Aki & Taylor are SESIBAs & FDTSs (Senior Executive Shiba Inu Breed Ambassadors & Foster Dog Training Specialists). Which of course makes me the CWWTMDA (Crazy Woman With Too Many D*mn Animals)! Hey, everyone needs a job, right?


  1. ...we lived in a farmhouse back in the day...and ray...the king mouser...would catch the varmits and line them up on the kitchen floor(them meaning 3-5 ata time...farmhouse ya know)...i knew that ray had had a successful nite hunting when my wife would let out a blood curdling sceam!!! good kitty!

  2. Better set some traps. If that is two in a week then you may have many more mice around.

  3. i always have traps behind the 'fridge & the stove, but they're avoiding them. I think this week's cold weather is driving them inside. Idiots!

  4. We think a mouse got stuck in our sink for a while last night...There were little droppings all over and a little pee and some fur. It eventually got out (or maybe decided to go down the drain.) Eww.

    So, can we borrow Attie for a couple of days? because I want them gone. My pups are good at catching rats, chipmunks and bunnies outside, but not as skilled in the house. Frustrating.

  5. BTW, love the photo and the sketch. I have someone to look up to for my year-end review. lol
