Sunday, November 21, 2010

Last yard work of the year?

   It's an uncharacteristically warm weekend here in KC: 55 yesterday & almost 70 today! I've been racing around like a madwoman, running errands, picking up the house, mowing the lawn & mulching leaves, applying fertilizer & grass seed, preparing the flower beds for winter, covering the patio furniture & the outdoor spigots, and the like. I composted several bags of leaves last night & had to stop the mower every couple of passes to empty the bag. The yard looks great & hopefully this will be the last time this season I have to work on it. All of my trees have lost their leaves, and only the burning bushes are set to betray me by waiting until it gets frigid to drop their load. Fortunately their beauty makes up for their insolence.
   Tired from all that work, I came in to find Mr. Atom lounging happily in the sun on my freshly-made bed. And putting his paw to his face as if to say, "Aww, did I forget to come out & help you? So sorry."
   But he was very helpful in unsealing this envelope on the card I was sending to Richard Aschenbrand, one of my favorite professors at CCAD. He's going through a rough illness, so join me in thinking good thoughts for him.  :)

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