Monday, May 13, 2013

Cleared for takeoff!

   Last week I ditched the sling, and today in PT Mike had me incorporate 1 lb weights. Yeah, 1. The fracture still hurts a bunch when my muscles fire. Mike wanted me to try to jog to see if I can handle it. So I joined Aaron for a KCCC practice session at the track, and ran a 5k. My breathing and tight legs were more upset than my shoulder. ;)
   Tonight I was walking the dogs and stopped to talk with Eunice, who lives behind me. I hadn't seen her for a while. I affectionately call her "The Dogcatcher" because she nabbed Taylor in 2008 when the gate blew open and he flew out of the yard. So, a favorite neighbor for sure.
   She was watering her lawn, and beaming, telling me that she recently got married to a man named Winslow. She said he's helped her a lot with the house and yard (which looks amazing), and that they walk together every day; 2 miles tonight.
   Eunice is 80, but looks closer to 60. It's remarkable. She asserted that exercise keeps her young, and that she runs or walks every day.
   Then she said she is recovering from shoulder surgery! She's just able to handle the weight of the garden hose again. I laughed and told her I was following in her footsteps. We agreed that it's a huge relief to be getting back to normal. She's right, though... Exercise does keep you young. And mentally sharp, energetic, fit, and happy to boot. I find Eunice to be a real inspiration: a hero in more ways than one!

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