Friday, October 21, 2016

Healthier and healthier…

   This may be my healthiest year yet. I've been drinking a gallon of water a day for the last two years or so. I've been walking between 8,000 and 10,000 steps a day most days since I received the Garmin for Christmas. And, working at home and rarely able to leave for lunch, it's necessary that I plan for all my meals and therefore always have good food on hand. 
   Most every day I have a big vegetarian salad for lunch. Every once in a while I treat myself to a "burrito salad": A frozen chicken burrito engulfed in spinach, cilantro, avocado, salsa, sweet potatoes, and an egg.
    And then I was invited to attend the Humane Society's annual "big martini" event this week. I have attended before, and knew they always have some fun silent auction items, so I grabbed a martini and some snacks and went inside to check it out.
   I've been struggling with not being able to run these last two months. I've biked three times in the last week, but it doesn't yet feel natural... We'll see if it takes. Haven't taken yoga in about three years and have been wanting to get back to it. So when I saw that there were certificates for a month at core power yoga, and a month of group and personal training exercises at the gym, I figured what the heck. It was a fundraising event for a great cause, and I'd probably get outbid anyway. At least I could help drive the price up so the Humane Society earned some real money.
   Turns out I didn't get outbid. So now I am the proud owner of two months of intense butt kicking. Which is exactly what I need right now to get back into a good routine. Feels like I was meant to be at that auction. Thanks, universe!
   My Saturday mail consisted of an Asian salad with Crane brewing's kumquat Weiss (c'mon--fruit is healthy!!), enjoy while making a ginormous pot of carrot ginger soup. My intention was to share it with Scot and Abby, not realizing that Abby doesn't really care for carrot soup. So instead, a bunch of it is going in the freezer for me to enjoy later. Love having fast and easy healthy options on hand.

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