Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cinnamon Crazy

   I was watching TV while eating dinner tonight and saw these AWESOMELY-designed Cinnamon Toast Crunch guys:
   They are so adorable that it almost makes me want to eat cinnamon. To which I happen to be quite allergic. Which reminds me: Lexie made some delectable pumpkin dip for Nilla Wafers (of course I'm allergic to vanilla too... @#$*!!!) and thoughtfully left this note to warn me. A little lesson in the importance of punctuation:
   Someone had come by and helped me out by adding the comma. Truthfully, it works either way. I don't want to eat allergens, nor do I wish to be eaten.
   In other news, check out these awesome S'mores on Mars. Adorable, funny, clever. I (heart) character design! And treats! But not with cinnamon or vanilla!!!!!!!!!

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