Monday, October 8, 2012


I am quite excited. I just found Kismet's first collar! I came home from work & planned to ask Dave if I could walk through his yard to have a look in the cement drain behind the house. He wasn't home, so I checked it out. And within minutes I found collar #1! It was right in the middle of the drain. Just a tiny bit of rust, but otherwise okay.
Collar #2 is still missing, & I'd love to find it so I'll have a spare. But the most important part of this discovery is that I've confirmed that Kizzy has ventured outside the yard--which is against my rules.
I invest a lot in my pets, emotionally & financially. They get regular vet care, premium food, & a lot of my time & attention. I couldn't bear the thought of Kiz running amok, and potentially getting picked up by a stranger, ending up back in a shelter, contracting a disease, getting in a fight, or getting hit by a car.
The truth is that I've liked her since I first laid eyes on her, & she is blossoming into another incredible cat, funny, sweet, & charming. I couldn't bear to lose her. She really feels like mine now. I think I'll compromise by buying a harness & leash, and taking her on supervised excursions. She really does love to go outside... She's actually downstairs mewing pitifully at the door right now.
I've never had a kitty with claws, so I'm not used to one who can scale a 6' fence! In learning too. I'm just so thankful I didn't learn this lesson the hard way.

1 comment:

  1. I hope she doesn't go dead-weight and refuse to walk with a leash on. Lacy is soooo pathetic.
