Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lazy Sunday morning

   I slept in, woke up groggy, fed the dogs, let them out, and then went back to bed to TRY to read the newspaper. Preventing this is in every cat's DNA, I think. But... is she cute, or what?!
   I was really interested in the article about a locally-sponsored summer travel photo contest. Check out the grand prize winner: a shot of "The Wave" in Coyote Buttes, outside Page, Arizona. WOW. Really need to go there!!! And to White Sands, New Mexico as well, by the way.
   But someone kept stalking me from behind the paper. So I gave in and relinquished my paper, and tried to go back to sleep. But then she wouldn't stop pouncing on my feet and biting them!
   Later, Kismet spent an hour outside in the superbly sunny yet chilly air. Aaand she came in without her collar. Yes, her NEW collar. To replace the one she lost 2 weeks ago. @$%&!!! I searched the back yard for an hour to no avail. So for sure the newer collar is outside, and the original collar is either outside or inside. Gee, that narrows it down! I've done everything except climb all the trees, and checking outside the fence (yes, I did stand on the deck railing and peek on the roof!). I don't *think* she left the yard, though I am beginning to wonder where else it could be.
   Guess I was not destined to actually get anything done today, eh?

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