Monday, October 1, 2012

Gelato cures all

Going to John & Michele's for dinner: good idea.
Picking up food from Spin! on the way: good idea.
Testing out John's skateboard on the shiny hardwood floors in their living room. While wearing a dress. And assuming that I'd be good at it since I can snowboard. Really bad idea.

Fortunately when I slid off the thing it didn't get propelled through a window or cause irreparable damage to the house. It didn't hit a kid or a dog. And I didn't damage any important body parts (though clearly I'm not using this brain for anything...) a lil' combo of chocolate/malt/caramel fudge gelato erased the horror of my idiocy. And watching my first episode of Honey Boo Boo with them erased any shred of dignity any of us had left.

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