Monday, September 7, 2009

Antioch Park in the fog

Since I didn't have to work today (Labor Day), the dogs & I drove up to Antioch Park at 7:30 am. It was a really foggy morning, which made for some incredible views. The park was eerily quiet—there weren't more than a dozen other people there—which added to the mystique. The lakes:
the deserted playgrounds...
the "ghost town."
Shibas in the schoolhouse...
and the rose garden.
Ducks (and a goose) resting under the trees.
The park was also full of large, intricate spiderwebs. Fortunately most of them were off the trail and not where you'd accidentally walk right into them.

One of the culprits, resting on a leaf from a long night of spinning:
A Lantana in various stages of bloom:

And a morning glory, welcoming a glorious day in the park!