Tuesday, September 1, 2009

raccoons & chickens

On my way back from the gym (in the dark) at 6 am, I thought I saw something moving near the side of the road up ahead. And sure enough, as I got closer I saw a momma raccoon on the curb—and then three baby raccoons jumped down from a nearby tree. The four of them scuttled into a drain. It was cool because I don't see much wildlife in my neighborhood (other than rabbits, squirrels & hawks). Kelly has seen foxes, but I haven't. ...Although if I had a nickel for every time someone has said that Aki "looks just like a little fox," I'd be writing this post from my swanky beach house in Hawaii!
When I got off work, the weather was SO NICE that I just had to get out with the dogs. So we drove up to Antioch Park, and what a nice surprise that was! It's a big park with many paved trails, several lakes, shelters, and some of the coolest playground areas for kids ever...including a village of mini houses & shop-fronts. There were a ton of people grilling, fishing, playing volleyball & tennis, and just hanging out. The dogs & I jogged for about 40 minutes. And Taylor very nearly fell in the lake: there was a crossing where you had to walk across cement pillars that were spaced apart. I saw children doing it & assumed the shibas could. Not so much. CHICKENS!
9/12/09 update: Kelly went to the park with me & the dogs this morning, and they crossed those pillars with no hesitation and no trouble at all! ....the first time, that is. On the way back, Taylor passed with flying colors, but Aki's back feet slipped THREE TIMES & she ended up with GREEN FEET from the algae in the lake. So they had a bath when we got home!

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