Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day 5k

    This morning I ran the annual Thanksgiving Day run over at the Sprint Campus with 5600 other crazy people. The weather was nice & sunny, but also COLD & WINDY. I felt good once I got going, but had a "cold headache" after it was over. The course was quite easy—my only complaint is that I NEVER saw any markers on the course, so I had no idea how far along I was or how to pace myself. I came in at just under 26 minutes, but felt I could have done much better. Next year!
  While I was running the above route, I came up with a GREAT theme for a run. When people register, 1 in 10 is randomly chosen to run dressed as a zombie—full makeup & all that. They start at the back of the pack & get points for every runner they overtake (by tagging them and turning them into zombies). I'm sure GPS could factor into this somehow...maybe spectators can track the zombies' progress on a big screen or something. It's called, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Runners would start as a pack, and attempt to outrun zombies (in full costume). If they get tagged, they become zombies and try to tag other runners. First runner to cross the finish line without being zombified WINS! Prizes would also go to zombies who tag the most runners, and for the first zombie across the line. (Okay, this is why I shouldn't ever be given 26 uninterrupted minutes to think...)

P.S.—Great quote I just heard on The Office: "Michael, a '5k' means '5 kilometers,' not '5000 miles.'" —Pam

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