Thursday, September 23, 2010

And then there were none.

   Despite my best efforts, I was not able to keep the two baby mice alive, and both passed today while I was at work. It definitely saddens me, but at the same time, I know that neither was in great shape when I found them, and I did everything I knew to try to help them. I take some comfort in knowing that they had a last meal that any mousie would dream of, they had warm bedding, and they had each other. Every life is precious. Rest in peace, lil' guys.
   And now, I shall do an interpretive dance to honor the memory of these mice, courtesy of my friend Eric. And WOW—this is one talented mouse! (The poop all over the course made me laugh.) That takes me right back to 7th grade science fair, when I did a rodent throwdown of sorts: with Dad's help, I built an elaborate obstacle course out of PVC pipe to see if a rat, a mouse or a hamster could navigate it the fastest. (I believe my project was entitled, "The Rat Race.") Sorry to be anti-climactic, but I forget who won. I do remember that that was NOT the year that I made it to the state-level competition!

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