Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Birthday to Tay, part 2

   As if a decadent homemade treat wasn't enough (in addition to the usual spoiling), Taylor's birthday celebration continued tonight with a trip to Shawnee Mission Park. We hadn't been there in a long time (since Mr. Taylor has a penchant for disappearing!), but I took a chance. Kelly came with me as reinforcement.
   After laughing hysterically at Taylor bounding through the tall weeds like a deranged rabbit (or a chubby gazelle?) we realized he had indeed disappeared. So we headed straight down to the lake to look for him. Aki stood on the gravelly shore, far enough from the water to ensure that she wouldn't get wet. She is, in fact, a shiba inu.
   Which leads me to Taylor. Who eats like a horse, howls like a wolf, runs like the wind and, apparently, swims like a Labrador. He was in heaven, running up & down the shore, chasing every dog there, waiting for their masters to throw a ball or a stick, so that he could launch himself into the water after them. Taylor doesn't fetch; pursuit is his favorite pastime. He hardly stopped to catch his breath, savoring every moment. This is something I think we all need to learn from dogs: have fun & don't be afraid of looking utterly ridiculous.
   The funny thing was that the whole time he swam, he had a huge smile on his face, with his chin held high, his tail up & wagging. As the sun went down I had to catch him & put the leash on him, and practically drag him out of the park. He had a blast. And then when we got to the car, he was excited to ride in the car. It makes me wonder how his two previous families treated him. Did he have dogs or kids or cats to play with? Did he go to the park? Did he swim? Did they take him for rides? Trips to Petsmart? Hikes in the mountains?
   I dare say, I can't imagine he was ever happier before I adopted him. And may we all be so lucky to be as happy as my pets!


  1. Happy Birthday Taylor! Sounds like you really celebrated in style! Roohoo!!

  2. This may be the most heartwarming, happy tidbit I've read all week. :)

  3. Happy Birthday Taylor!

    From: Joahnna, Eddie, Laela & Luda
