Thursday, November 18, 2010

Boys are silly

  Lately I've been taking the inside route on the walk into work (which is quite a walk, BTW) since the weather switch has flipped from comfortable to freezing. There is a good-looking guard (rather Luke Wilson-y if you ask me) manning the station as I walk by. He always greets me with a big smile & says,"Good Morning," "How are you?" etc. which is kinda nice... although it was a bit awkward at first, since I'm always plugged into my iPod & listening to Flo Rida or Fergie or the like, and I couldn't hear what he said. The first couple of days, I had to pull the earbuds out & say, "Huh?"
  Yesterday I had a meeting with some of our senior leaders & dressed up a bit, in my favorite skirt & boots. The guard was friendly as usual as I passed & wished me a good day.
  Today I wore jeans, since I was taking the afternoon off to run errands. As I walked past the desk, the friendly guard called out, "Hey, you're wearing pants today!"
  Taken off guard, all I could think to say was, "Well, it's much colder today!" & keep walking. I didn't realize he was taking notice. I immediately wanted to think up a fun way to f*** with him. Tomorrow I will wear a sweater dress with pants underneath!!!
   Later... I took the afternoon off to get my car serviced & renew my license at the DMV. (I'd rather be at work!) The car took almost 2 hours, just as expected. What wasn't expected was that the guy who checked me in, was not the guy checking me out. (That's foreshadowing, you'll see in a minute.)
  The guy who came to fetch me from the waiting room looked vaguely familiar. After a frustrating exchange in which he told me they could fix neither my parking brake nor my radio, he abruptly changed the subject to, "Hey, aren't you a grapic designer?"
  I muttered "Yeah," in the most disengaged tone I could muster.
  "You do freelance work or something, right?"
  "That's part of it..." (Who does this guy think he is?! I'm not here at the dealership to hang out!!)
  And then I remembered. This was the guy who was hitting on me a couple of years ago. I came in to get a giant bolt extracted from one of my tires, a casualty of a trip to the Legends on a cold, snowy night for dinner with Kelly. On the phone they had told me the patch would cost about $30. When I got there, this same guy was making small talk, friendly but with an unmistakable tinge of creepiness. When I went to check out, he refused to let me pay. He said, " No charge. It's all taken care of. I can do that!" (Wink.)
  Now I'm as big a cheapskate as anybody, but not at that price! God forbid this guy thinks I owe him something. I was unsuccessful in convincing him to allow me to pay, & hoped I wouldn't run in to him again. And I hadn't. Until now.
  Fortunately for me he was busy with another customer when I gathered my things & got to the row of desks. I quickly approached another employee & got the heck out of Dodge (or Toyota, more accurately). He called out after me but I was already out the door.
  You know what they say, "it's not harrassment unless it's unwelcome."

  The rest of my day was happily free of incident. ...Other than waiting for 45 minutes at the DMV only to find out I was in the wrong place, a victim of a sh*tty website that didn't make it clear. Based on the crotchety clerk's reaction to my plight, I can definitively say I'd rather have visited than been working there. I appreciate my job 1000% more now, thank you. And I got my license renewed for another few years. So I won't soon be seen there again, making small talk with strange men or anyone else.

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