Saturday, November 13, 2010


   So I was at the gym the other day & saw an ad for an upcoming episode of "1000 ways to die" on Spike network. And it showed a clip of a guy in a Sumo suit just like the one I wore at the Japan Festival, so I had to watch. Apparently the show is all about stupid people doing stupid things that causes them to die in a really stupid way. This was no exception.
   Apparently a guy with a huge ego & sense of entitlement challenged his resentful coworkers to a "team-building" round of Sumo. On top of a building. Next to a very steep hill. He beat one of the women, & in celebration, lost his balance & toppled off the edge, rolling down the hill. He landed in a road & was hit by a speeding car, causing massive damage & hemorrhaging, and he died.
   Tragic, yes. But I take issue with the show's reenactment, which portrays the guy rolling down the hill, then standing up & celebrating his survival in the street, just before the impact. Having been in one of those suits I can tell you: you cannot stand up in them without assistance. They're too heavy & bulky & awkward. You have to be lifted. I call foul!
   In any case, I am quite thankful that neither Patty nor Joe nor I died in that hot, sweaty suit.

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