Thursday, October 15, 2015

Inspiration: go Becky go!

   I just met my mail carrier, Becky, who is filling in for my regular mail carrier, Sunny, who had foot surgery and will be out for a few months. I was out on a walk with the months and Becky loves dogs, so we stopped to talk for a couple minutes. She told me that the mail route around my neighborhood is 16 miles long, and it's primarily a walking route. They drive the cars just enough between stops to connect all the neighborhoods. Isn't that amazing?! She is walking 16 miles a day. She said it usually takes her eight hours to complete the route. She said it's an interesting job because it's very stressful early in the morning at the post office and then she gets out and walks and walks and walks.
   She is walking more than a half marathon every day… That is only 13.1 miles. I'm so impressed. She laughed and said, "I often think I should try running on my day off, just to see how far I can go!"

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