Monday, May 17, 2010

Night in Times Square

   Having arrived safely in New York and satiated myself with Nobu, I took a stroll around the city. I was keenly aware of how safe Times Square seemed compared to prior visits; there was a strong police presence and I felt completely comfortable walking around by myself even late at night/early in the morning. Here's the view from my room on the 32nd floor of the Crowne Plaza Times Square. (They left a welcome bag with eye mask & earplugs on my bed.  But I wore myself out so thoroughly every day that I never needed them!)
   I also remarked on how easy it was to get around the city; it used to seem so huge, but after just a couple of hours I had figured out the lay of the land. I think, too, that after visiting Tokyo, no place will ever feel "too big" again!
A church just down the street from Nobu:
Fun window at Kate's Paperie:

I took this one for Joan. He was a very sweet horse:
"Date Night" was featured all over the city, which I was pleased to see, since it was actually very good!
I allowed myself to be talked into a pedicab ride; a nice excuse to get off the high heels for a bit. The weather was perfect: clear & cool, in the 70s. A beautiful night for a ride!
Pointing out the sights (and, also remarking that he felt like he was driving an empty pedicab, since I was so light!):
Deja vu:
Too bad I didn't have time for a show!
Near Rockefeller Center:
Another tourist took this photo for me, and then one of his own. (I guess he had never seen a beautiful girl in a pedicab before. LOL)
At the end of the ride, I walked a bit more:

A little foreshadowing for my day on Canal Street:
Glitzy McD:
What's that creepy Peanut doing on the beach??
   One of the best things I learned on this trip is that not only am I capable of traveling by myself, I actually enjoyed it. That was unexpected. I was really upset when I learned that Camille couldn't join me, but knew I had to make the best of it. And I did. And it was awesome. I learned that traveling alone opens up a wealth of new experiences, because you're available to talk to strangers, since you're not talking with a companion. Not to say that it's necessarily a better experience, but it is very different and just as fun. I felt very open to possibility.

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