Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Madeline's prairie photos

A view of the freaky clouds, from the passenger seat:
Check out the grass roof! Wonder if it needs mowing?
Or if a roof cow eats it?
Troop leader Renee prepares us for the hike:
On the trail....
Who me? Mugging for the camera?
Cows to the left, hill to the right. We chose the cow route.

Time to get a little closer...
Kelly makes sure I don't get trampled:
Because if they WANTED to trample me, I'd pretty much be in huge trouble about now. That backpack isn't going to offer much protection! (Fortunately these were friendly cattle and not the hostile variety!)
Thanks for the photos, Madeline! I like the ones of me taking photos of the cows... finally I'm one step closer to my dream of being a nature-documentary-photographer!

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