Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dogs 101

   We just returned from our Sunday morning run (almost 4 miles), and Dogs 101 just so happens to be showing a special on best breeds for active lifestyles. As you can see, Aki is completely enthralled by the story on the Shiba Inu! And rightfully so: my dogs have run over 160 miles with me since February this year. Small but mighty, these guys are awesome athletes, and I'm thrilled that they were one of just a few breeds mentioned. (We get the funniest looks from drivers as we run by like a miniature sled team, with Tay out in front, dragging me, dragging Aki!)

1 comment:

  1. My foster pittie is my running partner...well, my very-slow-jogging partner. I swear she feels sorry for me that I am so slow and just humors me. I'll take it though. At least it's company when I am cursing my out-of-shape body. ;)
