Monday, October 25, 2010

Made my day.

    I was checking Facebook tonight before bedtime (having a little trouble getting to sleep with two SNORING shibas in their beds... they're worn out from tonight's race) and ran across this comment from Rick on my polar bear photo:
    First of all, I love that when you isolate it from Facebook, it looks like it's from a fortune cookie. And the is THE fortune I'd want to get! It is one of the nicest things everyone has ever said to me, and made me reflect a little about just how blessed I am. Part of it is that I'm very appreciative for what I have in life: my family, my friends (which includes all my coworkers), my job, my animals... believe me, I could go on. And part of it is that I feel very lucky to have been born a creative person. I feel like I notice & appreciate details that others may overlook, I can find the humor in pretty much anything, and I never pass up the chance to have an adventure. And the REALLY cool thing is that I'm surrounded by people who feel the same way. So for all of you who happen to read this: thank you for the impact you've made on me. Because everyone I've met has shaped who I am.
   I read a quote today in one of our newsletters at work, and I've thought about it all day: "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." — Albert Pine English author (d. 1851)
   I believe in that wholeheartedly. I'm not sure yet what mark I'm going to make on the world that will live on, but I'm excited to find out. (Well, I guess I'll be dead. So I'm excited for YOU to find out!)

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